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The Pitbull Pen's Call for Change

Updated: Sep 15, 2023

How We Got Here

There are several reasons why the rescue community has found itself in this challenging situation:

  1. Increased Adoption Rates During the Covid-19 Pandemic: During the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, we saw a heartening surge in pet adoptions as people sought companionship during lockdowns. However, this trend has experienced a notable decline since then. It's also essential to understand that many of the dogs adopted during this period faced abandonment or surrender when life began to return to its usual routine.

  2. Reduced Access to Proper Veterinary Care: The pandemic also disrupted access to essential veterinary services. Routine check-ups, vaccinations, and even emergency care became challenging to obtain for both existing and new pet owners. This setback contributed to the overall strain on rescue organizations as they attempted to meet the increasing needs of animals.

  3. Dumping of Dogs as Shelters Close to Intakes: As rescues and shelters started closing their doors to new intakes, a disheartening trend emerged—more and more dogs are simply being abandoned. This heartbreaking situation arose from a lack of available resources and space for these animals, forcing desperate individuals to resort to leaving dogs in dire circumstances.

  4. Decline in Donations and Adoptions: Even before the pandemic, the rescue community was grappling with dwindling financial support. Donations, along with adoptions, had been on a downward trajectory for some time. This financial strain, coupled with the unforeseen challenges posed by the pandemic, further pushed rescue organizations to the brink.

What Can We Do About It

As responsible dog owners, we each have a crucial role to play in ensuring the well-being of our pets. This encompasses not only basic responsibilities but also going the extra mile to create a more compassionate and caring community for our furry friends.

Basic Care and Responsibility: Beyond providing love and companionship, we owe it to our pups to guarantee their safety and support. This means ensuring they receive regular medical care, including vaccinations, check-ups, and sterilizations. Microchipping is also essential to safeguard your connection with your furry family member, especially in cases of loss or separation.

Investing in Training and Socialization: Responsible dog ownership extends to more than just the basics. Engaging in proper potty training, socialization, and investing time in building good behavior and habits are essential for harmonious living with your four-legged companion. These not-so-simple tasks significantly contribute to the well-rounded development of your pet and make life easier for everyone involved.

Advocacy and Political Engagement: Addressing the larger issues requires action at the legislative level. It's imperative to advocate for stricter regulations on backyard breeders and puppy mills. Raising awareness about the plight of rescue organizations and the animals they care for is essential in garnering support for change. By engaging with policymakers and supporting animal welfare initiatives, we can collectively work towards a brighter future for pets in need.

Some specific legislative, and community-level steps we could take include:

  1. An immediate, 2-year ban on producing litters.

  2. Requiring breeders to obtain a license via a screening process.

  3. Demanding breeders provide proper and prompt veterinary care.

  4. Enforce a maximum of 2 litters per female.

  5. Breeders must be required to pay sales tax, which will allow funds to be routed towards rescues, shelters, and other animal welfare organizations.

  6. Empower private citizens to report breeders disregarding the welfare of animals to the proper authorities.

Our current reality, with rescue organizations closing their doors, stems from a complex interplay of factors exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. As responsible dog owners and advocates for animal welfare, we have a crucial role to play. By providing essential care, training, and engaging in advocacy efforts, we can make a significant difference in the lives of rescue animals, ensuring they receive the love, care, and protection they deserve.

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